When some mothers follow self-demand to inconvenient one hour early if he is taking good amounts from the bottle as much as 2 hours early if he is breast fed and the supply is not yet well established. If your baby is still asleep when one of these regular feeding hours comes around, you can wake him up. You won't have to urge him to eat. A baby who is waked up 4 hours after his last feeding will usually be starving hungry in a few minutes. But if he wakes an hour early for his next feeding, you don't have to feed him the first minute he whispers. He is not sure himself he is hungry. But if in 10 or 15 minutes he is crying hard with hunger, I wouldn't wait any longer. What happens to the 4 hour schedule. He may make up the difference and sleep long enough before the next feeding to get back on schedule. If he doesn't make up the time during the day, he may make it up at night. If he is always waking early nearer to every 3 hours, may be he is not getting enough to last him 4 hours.
Ilayathalapathi Vijay in Bairavaa
8 years ago